Samantha Sito

Why You Should Build A Vision Board For Goal Setting, And How You Can Do It!

Cozy winter day in the snow blowing snow from my hands

Happy New Year everyone! 


Wowza, how are we already halfway through January? Crazy ain’t it? It wasn’t easy getting through the past few years, but we did it!


I am very much a *new year goal setting* type of person. In the past few years, I’ve always started the year with a post of setting goals, and resolutions. Though, after the year we just had, I honestly didn’t feel up for it. That’s when I stumbled upon people sharing their vision boards for 2022, and I was like, wooowww this looks fun.


It brings me back to the 90s when my friends would rave about cutting up outfits and photos from magazines (anyone remember when Seventeen Mag was super popular?), and make collages on giant cardboard paper. 


So I got to making my very first digital vision board, and I see it on my desktop and phone everyday. I’m very excited to share my initial thoughts on vision boards, and how it has helped me and can help you with setting some goals and intentions for 2022. 


Here is why you should build a vision board for your 2022 goals, and some steps for you to get started! 

I find that vision boards are way more fun to make than just writing down new year resolutions. I’m also a very visual person, and I like being able to see my goals visually depicted. 


It’s also a great way to add some meaning to the photos you put together. Almost always, I find that there is a similarity in the images that draw me in, whether or not I intentionally look for some sort of consistency. 


First thoughts, I find making vision boards really fun and therapeutic. It doesn’t take too much mental energy and helps to create a vision for the year. Which I truly enjoy doing. 


Here are some steps that has helped me build my vision board:  


First, reflect on your 2021 intentions


The first step to build a vision board for your 2022 goals is to reflect on the past year and then use that to set your intentions and feelings towards the new year. 


Maybe you’ve been wanting to start blogging? – PS: I’ve got a whole series on helping you do that and to make money blogging as well! 




Maybe you want to focus on your wellness and space out time to focus on that? Or it could be something as simple as creating a morning routine to make you feel more productive this year.  


Like I mentioned earlier, I usually write out sentences, but wanted to spice things up this year. So I came up with 5 words that really resonate with what I want to achieve. 


How to take great photos with your iPhone!

My Morning Routine for a Productive Start

3 Steps to Making Money with Your Blog


Focus on your intentions

I find that singular words of intention actually work better, and puts less of a constraint and pressure on what I feel like I *need* to do. It also spans over many things at the same time, and encompasses many different areas of life. This is great for me because there are many things that I want to focus my energy on, but in a very similar manner. 


So, as an example, one of my goals for the year in my professional life is to create more videos on YouTube. Instead of writing that sentence down, I chose the word Consistency and Creativity to focus on. These two words also resonate with other goals in my personal life, and so they work in tandem. 


If you are struggling with finding a starting point, here are some questions that can help jog your thinking: 


  • What does your ideal day or life look like?
  • If you were given 3 wishes with no strings attached, what would they be? 
  • If you had more time, what would you do more of? 
  • 5 years from now, what does your favourite day look like? Who is there with you? What are you doing? 
  • If money was no object, what would you be doing? 
  • What is something you’ve been wanting to focus on, but it always gets pushed to the side?


Don’t feel like you have to choose many words before you can start looking for images. Honestly, if you have just one word, that’s powerful enough. 


Once you have your word for the year, you’re ready to start the fun! 


Start looking for some photos. I like Pinterest for this!


Now that you have your word or words for the year, the fun begins. There are many photo platforms that you can go on, such as Unsplash or Canva BUT, I am all for Pinterest. 


Pinterest is already such a great space to get inspiration, drive blog traffic, and you can find the most beautiful photos there! So I definitely, 100% recommend that you head over there for picking out your photos. 


There really isn’t a right or wrong way to do this. I honestly just browse around and save the photos that really speak to me and the words that I’ve picked out for my goals. These photos don’t necessarily have to be literal depictions of your words, they can be metaphorical and something that just you know about. 


I think that makes it so much more special because a photo can mean something personal to you, when *as an example*, it’s a photo of a cat to everyone else. 


You can find my Pinterest page for some inspo on fashion, life, food, travel and more. 


Pick Your Vision Board Method – Digital or Physical

When I was younger, I loved and collected physical magazines. I adore having physical books and papers in my hand and I love the feeling of cutting out pictures and quotes and placing them on something physical. 


But we’re now in the digital era, and I much rather just do it on the computer so I can save and resize things easier haha. Again, this is totally up to you and what ignites your fire and creativity as you build your vision board. 


I love Canva for this!


Multiple ways for you to put your photos together—you can either go the route of a Powerpoint document or use Canva.


I opted for Canva because it’s just way easier to upload images and resize things. Plus, if templates are needed, Canva is just so much more straightforward ya know?


Time to Display and Manifest Those Intentions!


Okay, your vision board is complete and it is looking beautiful! CONGRATS! PS: I’d love to see your vision boards, so feel free to tag or DM me on IG!


For a vision board to work, you need to use it to constantly remind yourself that THIS is what you are working towards. THIS is the life you are dreaming of and THIS is what you know you can work towards and achieve. 


Turn it into your desktop and phone wallpaper, or print it out!


I resized my vision boards on Canva into 3 different dimensions! 


  • For my desktop wallpaper, it’s sized to 1080×1920 px. ( Height x width)
  • For my phone wallpaper, it’s sized to 1920×1080 px. 
  • For my IG image, it’s sized to 1350×1080 px. 


I wanted to make sure that my efforts aren’t in vain, and as humans, we tend to forget things. By having my vision board on my devices (which I look at more than anything), I can ensure I never forget.


Plus, I actually printed it out as well and am planning to laminate it so that I can have it up on the wall in the office space! 


That way, when I’m feeling down or having moments where imposter syndrome creeps in, I would be able to look up and have the board serve as a reminder that I’ve got this. 


Vision boards are highly visual for a reason. The law of attractions says the more you picture something and the more you truly believe in something that you see all the time, the more likely you are to achieve it. 


You attract what you put out. 


As we continue into 2022, I hope this helps you find a bit of inspiration to build a vision board as you get this year started. I know it’s hard not to just fall back into a slump and think well, 2020 wasn’t so great and this year is shaping up to be about the same, but I truly believe that this year will be better. 



Let’s manifest these good intentions together!

xoxo Sam 


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