What Motivates You?
Money, clothes, love, ego?
See, I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while now. I’ve been battling with an inner struggle for some time and won’t go to such far lengths to say that I’ve figured it out- but I’m closer than I was before.
For a few years, I have this note on my mirror saying, ‘Everytime you want to give up, remember there are a lot of motherf*ckers you want to prove wrong’. Wow right, funny, but I promise I am a nice person haha.
For a long time, this was a part of my motivation to succeed. I, like I’m sure many of you have, have had once or twice been told that you’re not good enough to do something, you’re not pretty enough, you’re not blond (in my case), maybe choose something easier as a career. To pull yourself after the doubt, I started saying, well I’m going to shut you up with the success I’m going to have, I’m going to be better, and succeed in the things you said I couldn’t do.
What I ended up finding, is that I became someone very easily swayed in various directions. I lost my voice. Shamefully, I would see what others were doing and be like, ‘I want to try that too’. But truth be told guys, it never hit the mark.
Now I’m not a bitter,sad person. Not at all. And I think with age and experience, maturity finds it’s way.
At the end of last year, I did a lot of thinking. On the person I wanted to be MINUS all the social media and what I saw others doing. I wanted to figure out what made me happy.
And so this year, I took up my pen, and crossed off ‘Motherf*ckers on my little note and wrote ‘myself‘ instead.
As a lot of you can see, the type of writing and articles I’ve been putting out are pretty different than what I’ve done before, and truth be told, with all the articles that you see up now, it has either made me smile, laugh, or cry writing it. And the reason there’s so much more frequency in posts is because I’m learning to write from my heart and sharing that with you, instead of merely telling you what shoes you should wear 🙂
I’m being more comfortable trusting something that I’ve known deep down but never really wanted to admit.
That I’ve always known what work would make me happy and fulfilled but never had the guts to put it out there.
Pretty rad feeling.
So trust your inner voice, it repeats itself for a reason.
Also, don’t write profanities on your mirror 😉
pc: @IamJohnYoo