Samantha Sito

We Are Engaged!!


Girl getting proposed to in front of a will you marry me sign

Hi friends, WOW this has been an exciting time. We’re engaged!


Also, this blog post is so overdue, I’m so sorry. We’ve just been taking the past few months soaking in all the love from our friends and family. It has been so much fun, but also a crazy time as we navigate this new phase of our relationship and life. 


But yes, we are engaged holy cow!!!



In the past few months, there has been a lot of laughs and we’ve actually jumped straight into planning mode. We planned our engagement party—which was so beautiful. The past two years have just been so blah, so it was absolutely lovely to see everyone gathered together to celebrate. 


We’ve also been building a lot of furniture as we plan the move-in together, so again, very exciting stuff. I’ve just been going absolute bonkers with my Pinterest boards— for the wedding, and home decor, but all happy stress!


7 years counting, and I feel so incredibly blessed to have a partner, a best friend, and love that complements my personality in every way. I still can’t believe I get to say we are engaged out loud. 


Thank you all for the love as well, I can’t wait to start sharing more on wedding planning updates!! Eep!



Xoxo, Sam 

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