Home » Sit Down with Amber Chia

Sit Down with Amber Chia

Having numerous titles under her belt; daughter, mother, wife, fashion icon, principle, supermodel and the list goes on and on, Amber Chia is continuously making waves in this new phase of her life.

Having started out a career in modeling that many would say is a tough shell to break into, Amber Chia sits down with me for a fun interview (that couldn’t be compressed into a short video unfortunately;  you’re going to just have to take my word for it and watch the entire thing).

Growing up, I remember seeing posters and billboards of her around town and have heard of her, but boy, was I truly shocked and inspired by her story and the continuous commitment she has in the industry that brought her to the point in her life that she currently is at.


From humble beginnings, this woman strives to keep her feet grounded everyday with the reminder of the struggle of starting out from zero in an industry that can be brutal and catty.

Coming from a small town and a family with not much, she ventured out into the city; Kuala Lumpur (I’m just going to metaphorically call it the Malaysian Hollywood, where dreams come true), with no experience and holding on to one thing- the dream. I found this amazingly inspirational because if we just think about it in context, having to step out of your comfort zone to chase after something that; number one; people tell you you’re not good enough to do, and in something that you’ve no idea how to excel in, Amber shares how she tried and tried again, and thus, really solidifying what it means to have nothing to lose but the dream itself.

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She now is an instructor as well as the co-founder and principle of Amber Chia Academy- an institute that Amber says was created for the sole purpose of helping others such as herself to get prepared and have their foot in the door with the confidence and to keep their dream alive.

Amber Chia - Guess

You might have noticed that I have repeatedly used the word ‘dream’ throughout this article and there is a purpose to it besides the fact that I can’t think of any other word in my mental vocabulary to use at the moment.

Dream because that is the essence of what Amber is standing for and what her entire life has been molded around, a dream to excel, a dream to succeed, a dream to keep dreaming no matter what the rest of the world says.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is the first step to succeed.

Enjoy watching this lovely interview with myself and miss Amber Chia and big thank you to Amber Chia Academy for providing the venue and Jeremy Choy (Bboyrice) for both photography and videography!



Spread the Love:


    November 12, 2014 / 5:38 am

    She is a nice vibrant loveable lady

      November 12, 2014 / 5:41 am

      I like her bcz she has lot to do more

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