Samantha Sito

My Thoughts On Turning The Big 30!

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Woman standing in front of a brown background in a black dress

I’ve had this blog for I think close to 10 years now, and I can’t turn the big 30 without sharing my thoughts with you. I mean, that would be crazy

This will be a short, yet sweet post. Basically, I wanted to get my thoughts on paper, and it’s always nice to have a space on the Internet that I can come back to whenever I want to reflect. That’s what social media is for, am I right? 

PS: I’m feeling cheesy and listening to old school ballads while writing this so…it’s going to be filled with CHEESE.


Reflection on my 20s

I find it so crazy that I’m turning over into a new decade of life. It’s a weird feeling, but I kinda dig it. Looking back, this blog is turning a new decade with me—I remember starting this blog in the latter half of my 19th year as a human. Sitting at my tiny desk in my dorm room, having been in a new country by myself for the past 5 months or so. 


So much growth.


I really grew into myself, and got to know who I am during my 20s. What I like, dislike—what I’m capable of. There were ups and downs, lots of laughs, lots of tears, and so many incredible memories. 


My 20s was a decade of having fun, meeting people, and learning (academically, and about life). I grew my career, and discovered the person I am and who I want to be. What a decade. 


I also learned how scary pain can be—emotional pain. And I grew stronger from it. I also discovered just how important family is. 


Turning 30


My younger brother has officially called me OLD. He’s 10 years younger so I totally get it. I used to think 30 was ancient when I was 20, I mean.

But, I’m excited you guys!

So excited to start a new decade of life with my husband, my family and friends turning the big 30. I’ve learned that life is so much more fulfilling when not everything is planned out, so I’ll take life as it goes. Maybe we’ll have little babies by the end of this decade, who knows. 


I’m stoked for the ride, and sharing it with you! 


As always, lots of love to you all! 




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