I’ll admit, I’m a morning person. It’s a struggle to wake up early but when I do get the hang of it, I love starting my day in the silence of the morning. I get this satisfaction of completing more than most by the time it hits 10 am, and that’s sort of the drive that gets me really productive in the wee hours. It’s been a goal of mine on my vision board for years and I’m proud to say, I think I got it down pat.
Having a morning routine not only gives me more energy throughout the day but it’s helped relax my brain, increase my confidence and been great for both my mental health and physical health! I do enjoy having a routine and have a somewhat structured morning routine that I stick to and I have a different routine on weekdays and on the weekend!
PS: Because I’ve been getting so many questions about my hair- no the bangs are fake because I can’t commit to cutting it! They’re clip ons, and I actually really like them. They stay on quite well and if you’re interested, I bought them >> HERE <<
Grab that cup of coffee and get ready for my morning routine for a productive start:
I Take My Time To Wake Up
This sounds counterproductive but trust me, this is one of the best things I do in my morning routine.
I give myself a reasonable amount of time to wake up. Instead of setting my alarm right down to the last minute, I set 4 alarms that go off to wake me up bit by bit.
It’s like waking up an hour earlier, only to see that you still have an hour to rest. It’s SUPER awesome.
If this isn’t something that you already do, prepare to be surprised at how calming those extra 15-20 minutes can be. I love sleep just as much as the next person but this gives you the opportunity to wake up without feeling like you’re in a rush to get out the door.
Struggling to NOT Hit Snooze!
I used to be a serial snoozer but this actually doesn’t help you feel more awake. When you snooze your alarm for an extra 10 minutes, you body won’t fall asleep right away and instead you’ll end up feeling more groggy than when you started.
Again, I find this technique do-able by just setting more alarms, or place your alarm clock in a spot that requires you to get off your bed to turn it off. That’s not how I would do it, but whatever floats your boat. My parents bought Elbert this alarm clock that has wheels and starts whizzing around for you to catch it- LAWL.
Leave the Damn Phone Alone
Easier said than done.
It’s so tempting to start the day off with my screen. I love sitting in bed for hours scrolling through Instagram but there’s so many other things I could be doing with this time.
That said guys, true story, I still look at my phone once I wake up. And it hurts my eyes. At times, it also hurts my heart because the news isn’t the best thing to read once you wake.
A rule I’ve set for myself lately is to keep my phone away from my morning routine. Once that alarm is shut off, I leave it on my desk as I go through my morning.
No emails, no social, no texts until I’m ready to head out that door. This has made a huge difference making my morning routine a productive start. It also does loads for my emotional and mental well-being
Make My Bed – Yes, I do
Some people think I’m weird that I make my bed every morning. Honestly, I’ve been doing it ever since I was little. My day can’t get started until my bed is made.
It sets my day off right and gives me a sense of accomplishment first thing in the morning. Adulting am I right?
Plus, it’s the best feeling coming back to a clean, fixed bed after a long day.
Allowing Time to Stretch My Body
I LOVE stretching.
Instead of scrolling through my feed, I try to do 2-3 minutes of activity! It doesn’t have to be crazy but even some light yoga or stretches help my body wake up and get ready for the day.
I also stretch before bed. It’s nothing crazy, just a simple child’s pose (if you’ve done Yoga, you know what this is).
Sometimes I do this on top of my freshly made bed just to get that sense of still being comfortable.
Getting active is so important for your body and even with my busy schedule, I try my best to get a little movement into my routine
Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day!
It wouldn’t be a morning routine without a warm cup of caffeine!
Whether you like tea or coffee, a warm drink can brighten your morning.
I truly don’t understand how some people can go without breakfast haha! I NEED to eat breakfast, every day. If not, I get hungry and my tummy starts to hurt, and Sam’s just not a happy camper.
Even if I’m not hungry, I always take something on the go with me so that I have the energy- like a banana and yogurt!
Spend Some Time Being Still With Yourself
A must do in my morning routine is to incorporate some stillness into my day. I love starting my day just spending some time reflecting and focusing on me.
I like to do a short guided breathing, or just deep breaths really. I find that there are a lot of stillness that comes with doing automated actions. Automated actions are things you do every day that require very little mental energy.
Practicing stillness allows your mind to process your day before the busy tasks begin. For some, this could even be working out early in the day. I personally can’t bring myself to workout in the morning, but I do have a set exercise routine towards the evening even when I’m busy.
Reviewing My Day and Setting Goals:
I plan out my day and set my work goals for the next 8 hours.
In the past few years, I’ve blogged while being in school, and then worked a part time job while blogging, and then worked on the blog full time, and now work a 9 to 5 while blogging. I share more about balance in my older post , but I know that I need a routine!
Hence the planning! I don’t try to plan out everything by the second but I do give a little structure so I know what my goals are for the day, and the week.
Even though I usually have more than 3 tasks, I will write out my top 3 goals for the day to give myself some direction. I make sure they are achievable and measurable so I can pat myself on the back once I’m done!
Here are some tips on how to practice goal setting.
After doing that, I jump on the goal that is the most difficult. There’s this saying that if you swallow the frog first, nothing else you do that day will be as hard. It’s basically saying if you do the most difficult thing on your list first, everything else should be a breeze!
Prep the Night Before
I know I said this was my morning routine but a lot of the prep actually happens the night before.
Keeping your decisions to a minimum in the morning gives you a productive start instead of frantically deciding what to eat or wear. I like to pick out my clothes and pack my lunch the night before so I have more time to enjoy my morning. The less decisions I have to make, the better!
Having a morning routine for a productive start isn’t just about waking up early to get things done. It’s actually about managing your energy and implementing gratitude to the start of your day. When you give yourself time to enjoy the morning, waking up does get easier, I promise.
A morning routine doesn’t have to be long either! It can take as little as 24 minutes. There’s a 24 minute morning routine that I found online: HERE
I’ll also include some morning routine checklists you can use to get ready below:
Remember, not everyone’s morning routine will look the same. If you are most productive at 9 am, wake up then! You don’t have to get that 5 am start if you know your morning routine will work best at 9.
Till next time,
xoxo Sam