Samantha Sito

Am I Old? Managing Expectations and Practicing Gratitude

Spending my 27th birthday in the tulip fields


I turn 27 tomorrow. Time just flies by and leading up to this week, I can’t help but think ‘Am I old?’

Not in a bad way though, but more so in a, how much more adulting is there to do way.

I thank genetics for people still mistaking me for a high school student but if there’s anything that the past year has taught me, it’s a big lesson. Some things I rather not divulge but the past year has been one of great tests of strength, faith and courage.

But with that, also brought about the biggest lessons on love, family and hope.

I don’t think I expected to grow so incredibly much the past year, and I wanted to write a short (ish) post to not only remind myself, but also because you guys are family, and I want to share the lessons I’m learning with you.


What I’m learning about Expectations:


This is a big one. It’s also one that I’m still learning to do.

Expectations can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, having expectations on yourself, or with family + your significant other can be something that helps motivate each other and assist growth. On the flip side, it can also end up being hard on yourself and others when your expectations are not fulfilled.

I put a lot of expectation on myself and not all of it is good. That said, I’m learning that it’s okay to not have certain things checked off my list by a certain age. Honestly, it’s silly.

Putting a timeline on yourself on when to buy a home, get married, have kids, be successful is so relative, and so subjective. The measurement of that is also so fluid. What works for one person, is different for another. The level and speed of how we grow can’t and shouldn’t be compared to each other.

I’m not expecting less of myself or others now, but I’m learning that even if I don’t reach those expectations for myself, that it’s completely okay! I’m appreciating life as a process and not a constant checklist to complete.

Same goes for my relationship. I blame years of Disney and RomComs, but this year especially, I’m learning that communication, like REAL communication with your partner is essential.


What does it really mean by being Grateful:


The past year, life showed me that it can be really amazing, but also REALLY terrifying and uncertain.

Through the scary parts, there’s almost always a silver lining. I’ve learned that being grateful, really is about appreciating the little moments with the people you love. Prayer and positive thoughts are strong pillars to getting through what life can throw at you. And I had a glimpse of what TRUE courage in the face of adversity really looks like.

I wake up every day so thankful. Not for the number of Instagram followers or likes I have, but for the smell of coffee that my dad makes in the morning, for the noisy chatter coming from the top floor of everyone getting ready for the day, for the clanking sounds of dishes being washed.

I’m thankful for being healthy and happy, for having a home with people I’d do anything for, for a partner who is patient and who makes me laugh. Thankful for having a job that pays, for being able to walk, talk, see, smile and eat.

This year has showed me that for every 1 thing I wish was different, there are 100 things that make life amazing.

Lastly, being grateful isn’t about just being happy for the good things in life. I’ve learned that it’s also remaining thankful in the face of the not-so-great things in life.

Keeping this post short and sweet so I can enjoy my birthday week *it’s a week, not just a day, LAWL.


Till next time Samsational babes,

xoxo Sam

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